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CORN GLUTEN LAWN PLUS (9-0-0)* 50# bag
Call for reduced shipping on orders of 5 bags or more.
A natural pre-emergent weed and feed herbicide that prevents the germination of weeds in early Spring, plus an early Spring fertilizer derived from corn gluten meal. Prevents a broad range of weed seeds from germinating including crab grass and dandelions. Slowly releases nitrogen to keep your lawn thick and green. Apply in late March or early April. Then use Revita Organic Lawn Fertilizer 8-3-3 in May for other needed nutrients which promote a healthy, lush lawn. Apply 20 lbs. per 1,000 sq. ft. in early spring and early fall during the first year and 10 lbs. per 1,000 sq. ft. spring and fall in succeeding years. Wait until after first mowing to apply to new grass seedlings.
Not intended for use in certified organic operations.
Quantity Price:
$42 per bag for 20-39 bags
$1560 per ton (40x50# bags $39.00 per bag))
Contact our offices to order and arrange delivery or shipping of ton quantities. Near Ohio 330-877-9356, near Wisconsin 608-489-3600