Soil Testing
Soil testing is a valuable tool in determining the current condition of your soil and what amendments are needed, if any, to bring it into balance. This can result in better production and more efficient use of nutrients providing savings in your fertilization program. Analysis includes Cation Exchange Capacity (also called C.E.C., total exchange capacity or what quantity of nutrients the tested soil can hold), pH, organic matter content, and levels of Potassium, Phosphorus, Calcium, and Magnesium. It also includes the base saturation percentage (what percentage of C.E.C. is currently filled) for Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium and Sodium. Basic test now includes level of soluble salts, important for high tunnel growers to monitor. Recommendations are then made using natural products and include the amount and type of lime needed, if any.
To send soil in to be sampled, take 8-10 probes of soil 8" deep in area to be tested, mix together, and place approximately 1 pint of mixture in a plastic zip lock bag. Be sure to identify name of tested area. If for field, also tell us what crop was planted last year and what crop will be planted this year. Allow between three to four weeks for results. Payment required with soil sample.
BASIC SOIL TEST: $20.00 per sample
MICRONUTRIENT PACKAGE: Additional tests for iron, copper, manganese, boron, sulfur, and zinc. Deficiencies in these micro-nutrients may keep other nutrients from being available to plants. $20.00 per sample
Tomato Plant Nutrient Needs Through the Season