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Monterey Sluggo Plus 2.5# OMRI listed
A unique blend of iron phosphate, a natural soil element, and spinosad, which is derived from a n...
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A unique blend of iron phosphate, a natural soil element, and spinosad, which is derived from a naturally occurring soil dwelling bacteria, and bait additives compressed into easy-to-use pellets. Environmentally friendly bait that kills slugs and earwigs, sowbugs, snails and more. Scatter Sluggo Plus pellets on the soil around or near plants to be protected or around garden perimeters to reduce migration from moist and shady areas where pests take daytime refuge. 2.5 lb. jug. Use 0.5-1 lb per 1000 square feet, or 0.5-1 tsp per square yard.

Insect and Disease Control
OMRI listed for certified organic production. Natural mineral protectant for fruit trees and veg...
Pyganic Specialty 5.0 OMRI Listed
Pyganic 5.0. Pyganic organic insecticide. OMRI listed for organic production. Botanical insecticide containing 5% pyrethrins. Use 1/4 - 1/2 ounces per gallon of water or 4.5 - 16 oz. per acre in suffici
Dipel DF - OMRI listed for organic production, biological insecticide containing a high concentra...
Pyganic Garden 1.4 OMRI listed
NEW LOWER PRICE! OMRI listed for organic production. Botanical insecticide, contains 1.4% pyreth...
Monterey Garden Spray - OMRI listed for organic production, bacterial product produced by ferment...