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Nu Film P spreader sticker OMRI listed gallon
OMRI listed for certified organic production. NU FILM P is a superior SPREADER STICKER adjuvant with non-ionic properties designed to improve the contact, wetting and adhesion of pesticides onto the plant surface. Forms a soft film that holds the pesticide on the crop foliage and greatly reduces rainfall and overhead irrigation erosion and ultraviolet (UV) degradation on pesticide spray deposits.
For Smaller Applications:
Add 0.1 oz. (about 0.5 teaspoon or 0.2 tablespoons, both rounded for easier math) per 1 gallon of water.
For Larger Applications:
Add 10 oz. of Nu-Film in 100 gallons of water per acre.
This is approximately 0.22 ounces (about ½ teaspoon or 1.32 tablespoon) per 1,000 square feet in 2.3 gallons of water.
Application Notes:
Under most conditions, apply at least one hour, during daylight, before anticipated rain. Sunlight, direct or indirect, is needed for this time period for the film to set.Will withstand about 1 inch of rain for seven to ten days.
Miller Chemical certifies that this product is a Synthetic substance allowed for use in organic crop production in compliance with 7 CFR Part 205, Subpart A, 205.601(m)(1). MILLER NU FILM P is approved under Washington State's Department of Agriculture Organic Food Program.
Prior to any pesticide application all spray mixing and application equipment must be cleaned. Fill spray tank half full of water and begin agitation. Add pesticides as directed by label. Add NU FILM P last and continue agitation. Rinse tank, lines and nozzles immediately after spraying, with water. After rinsing, there may still be a small amount of sticky residue in the tank. This will help to prevent rusting and corrosion. It will not clog nozzles when sprayer is next used. If spray happens to land on undesired surfaces, such as windows, cars, application equipment or others, it can be removed with soap and water, before the spray deposit is dry or with premium grade or white kerosene after the film has dried.