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Chilean Nitrate 15-0-2 prills OMRI listed
Call for reduced shipping on orders of 5 bags or more.
Allganic Nitrogen Plus 15-0-2. Use for a boost of instantly plant-available Nitrate. Use when soil is too cold for biology to process other organic nitrogen sources or to side dress corn or heavy Nitrogen feeding plants. This is a particularly effective tool on corn and beans that have been flooded.
Application instructions:
Side dress 150-200# per acre on most vegetables and up to 225# on corn in early season (V4) when soil is still cool. Not to be used for more than 20% of total crop N need. Verify compliance with your certifier.
Dissolve 5 lbs. water per gal. to make a 6-0-0 liquid concentrate. Further dilute this concentrate for a liquid application.
This product is intended for use according to an approved organic system plan.
This products ingredients all qualify under
7 CFR 205.105 for use in organic crop production.
Check with your certification agency before using in certified organic production.
Ton Price:
$2519.44 per pallet of 56 bags in 50 pound bags ($44.99 per bag)
Contact our offices to order and arrange delivery or shipping of ton lots. Near Ohio 330-877-9356, near Wisconsin 608-489-3600