All natural fertilizer products for lawn and turf
Child, Pet and Eco-friendly.
Chemical fertilizers applied to lawns can leave a devastating impact on the environment by leaching into ground water. Chemicals on your lawn, as well as those tracked into your home pose health risks to pets, people, and the environment.
Call us today to order our 100% natural Organic Corn Gluten Lawn Plus pre-emergent weed and feed for spring and Re-Vita Organic Lawn 8-3-3 fertilizer for summer in 50 lb. bags.
The same principles used in organic farming, encouraging life in the soil to feed the roots and grow the plant work in maintaining a healthy lawn. Our 40 year old blend of organic ingredients will continue to naturally and safely feed your lawn and develop your soil with each application.
Ask our soil consultants about our line of organic foliar sprays and soil amendments to further feed and balance your lawn and soil.