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ReVita Hi-K 2-3-16 with Sulfate of Potash 50# bag
Call for reduced shipping on orders of 5 bags or more.
If you need Potash in your soil save time and money by applying Re-Vita Hi-K.
Hay can remove up to 50 lbs./ton of Potassium from soil, Re-Vita Hi-K 2-3-16 provides micro nutrients and Potash to feed and make winter hardy. Spread 200 lbs./acre.
Fully NOP compliant for application up to day of harvest, check with your certifier for use in organic production..
A blend of our Re-Vita Compost Plus and sulfate of potash providing a biologically live fertilizer high in potassium. Improves soil low in sulfur and potash without high chlorine. Excellent for root crops such as potatoes, carrots, beets, and turnips, tomatoes and lettuce, as well as alfalfa and soybeans. For gardens apply 5 lbs. per 100 row ft. or 2 lbs. per 100 sq. ft.; Field crops 250-300 lbs. per acre.
Bulk density 47 lbs. per cubic ft.
This product is intended for use
according to an approved organic system plan.
This products ingredients all qualify under
7 CFR 205.105 for use in organic crop production.
Check with your certification agency before using in certified organic production.
Ton price:
$1100.00 in 50# bags
$1039 in 2000# tote
Contact our offices to order and set up delivery or shipment of ton lots. Near Ohio 330-877-9356, near Wisconsin 608-489-3600.