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MycoApply Ultrafine Endo OMRI Listed 20# bag
Can be used to dust rough seeds in planter, dissolved and sprayed on seeds or watered in after pl...
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Can be used to dust rough seeds in planter, dissolved and sprayed on seeds or watered in after planting. Use .7 to 1.5 lbs. per acre depending on seed. Great for wheat .7 lbs. per 100 lbs. of seed.
Check this link to see if your crop will host mycorrhizal fungi
This product is mixed into our Jumpstart II 4-1-6 with fish and kelp powder
Contact Ohio Earth Food for specific application information
Contact our office for discount pricing and delivery on orders of 3 bags or more. Near Ohio 330-877-9356, near Wisconsin 608-489-3600

Mycorrhizal Fungi
Mycoapply 1 lb. Soluble MAXX OMRI listed
Mycorrhizal fungi inoculant. MycoApply. mycorrhizal applications. Soule MAXX. 9 species Endomycorrhizae. 10 species Ectomycorrhizae. Organic Mycorrhizal fungi inoculant.
Mycorrhizal fungi. MycoApply. mycorrhizal applications. Endo mycorrhizal granular inoculum consists of 4 carefully selected species of endomycorrhizae. About 80% of the