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Jumpstart 5-1-9 soluble organic fertilizer and transplant solution
A biological mix of natural, soluble materials containing major nutrients, micro-nutrients, trace elements and bio-stimulants from the highest quality powdered fish, crab, seaweed and humates.
This Ohio Earth Food's proprietary soluble starter fertilizer, transplant solution and foliar spray. Enhances seed germination, early root development, and creates an environment in the soil for more biological activity. Improves nutrient uptake of plants for higher yields and healthier crops. Use in the row in liquid planters, in greenhouse trays and pots, in drip irrigation systems or broadcast spray at planting. Makes an excellent transplant solution to reduce stress. Foliar spray every 2 weeks during growing season to insure plants have the nutrients they need for all phases of growth.
Also works great in drip irrigation mixed 1-2 lbs. per acre and injected every 7-10 days from transplant through fruiting stages.
In commercial planter or transplanter use 2-4 lb. per acre pre-mixed with 5 gallons of water per lb. and shake for 1 minute then dump into tank. Keep agitated.
For application through drip irrigation use 1 oz. powder per 1000 sf of crop, pre mix with 6 oz. water or more per oz. of powder by shaking hard in enclosed container, then apply to injection tank.
For garden or lawn foliar spraying mix one teaspoon in up to one gallon of water in sprayer and spray thoroughly on leaves of plants or over grass.
This product is intended for use
according to an approved organic system plan.
This products ingredients all qualify under
7 CFR 205.105 for use in organic crop production.
Check with your certification agency before using in certified organic production.