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Monterey B.T. (Bacillus Thuringiensis) OMRI listed
OMRI listed. A liquid microbial insecticide containing Bacillus Thuringiensis. Controls cabbage looper, hornworm, fruit tree roller, gypsy moth and other leaf eating worms. Nontoxic to humans, pets, birds, and bees.
Application Instructions:
FRUITS AND VEGETABLES: Mix 1.5 fluid ounces per 3 gallons of water (1 tablespoon per gallon) for a hand sprayer and apply to all plant foliage to cover an area of 1,000 square feet.
Apply MONTEREY B.T. when worms or caterpillars are first noticed, then repeat at five (5) to seven (7) day intervals while they are active. Apply more frequently to control heavy infestations. Apply thoroughly to top and bottom of foliage. Reapply after heavy rains. MONTEREY B.T. must be eaten by worms or caterpillars to be effective. After ingesting the insecticide, they immediately stop feeding, though they may otherwise appear to be unaffected for several days. Best results are obtained by treatments when worms are small; they must be actively feeding on treated, exposed foliage. You may apply MONTEREY B.t. up to and on the day of harvest.
HOW TO APPLY Always shake or stir MONTEREY B.T. thoroughly before use. Partially fill sprayer with water before adding the application rate amount of product, then mix in product thoroughly and add remaining amount of water. Spray leaf surfaces thoroughly, top and bottom, for complete control. Agitate regularly while spraying. Use all of spray mixture within 24 hours.
NOP compliant, check with your certifier for use in organic production.